
The Leadership Lessons Hidden in the Art of Tracking
“Something crossed here from the left, very recently.”
My wife, Rachel, and I are on foot, following Tsundzukani, our tracker, in Londolozi Game Reserve in South Africa. After several days of sitting in the back of a 4x4, we are finally experiencing a walking safari. Barely ten minutes into the walk, we come across a very fresh and pronounced drag mark across our trail.
A drag mark suggests something has killed something else—and no more than 15 minutes before we passed through.
“Be still, no talking. Let us go and look and see which way this track takes us,” says Tsundzukani.

Lessons from a Master Tracker - the final lesson!
Here's my final lesson from my time with Renias. This one is about how we can manage ourselves more effectively when we perceive ourselves to be "lost".
Thanks for all the comments and messages, either directly here, or in the background.
What a fantastic experience the two weeks were. My huge gratitude to Renias Mhlongo for sharing his wisdom, skills and humor with me and everyone around us. Also to Marius Remke for his calmness, stories and wry comments throughout.
For any of you who want to know more, either about how to experience it for yourselves, or about applying many of the principles to your own workplace, let me know!

Lessons from a Master Tracker - Imminent danger
Lesson number 5 is about the ways in which we learn differently in a moment of real danger. We certainly had a story to share around the camp fire that evening!

Lessons from a Master Tracker - Just enough competition
Hi all, here is my fourth post on the lessons I've learnt about learning. This one ups the ante a little from my previous posts.
I've had a number of messages in the background, wanting to know about how to experience something similar themselves.
I'll summarize more comprehensively in my final post. However, the key folks involved are Renias and his partner Alex, who can be found here: https://alexandren.com. Most importantly, they are the founders of Tracker Academy, https://trackeracademy.co.za. It's a heck of an institution, and I would encourage any contributions (tax free in the USA!). The work they do is incredible.
For our two weeks, we were based at Tshokwane River Camp, https://krugeruntamed.com/, which is a recently opened, unique tented camp in the Kruger National Park.
For anyone interested in knowing more about the experience, let me know.

Lessons from a Master Tracker - A state of wonder
Here's the third of the lessons I learned from watching Renias, and it was a fun one to learn.
Let me know what you think!

Lessons from a Master Tracker - The curious “Why?”
Hi all, it is hard to believe its a week since I left the bush. I've already started planning for next years trip 😀
Here's the second of the lessons I learned from watching Master Tracker Renias Mhlongo do everything he could to help me learn.
Let me know your thoughts.

Lessons from a Master Tracker - “My job is to help you learn".”
Hi all, my two weeks in the South African bush are over, and what a moving experience it has been.
Over the coming days I'll share a number of the lessons I've learned from spending 14 days with Master Tracker Renias Mhlongo.
Here's lesson 1, let me know your thoughts.